Residency dedicated to D/deaf artists, researchers, and curators
In order to diversify points of view on the moving image, Vidéographe offers a research residency to D/deaf artists, researchers, and curators. This residency can be full- or part-time, depending on the needs of the person selected.
Artists can use this opportunity to experiment with the creation of a new work or, more broadly, to nurture their practice.
Researchers and curators are invited to conduct research using works from our video collection. Their research may be thematic, formal, or historical, and may focus on the body of work of one or more artists. The residency will be followed by a public presentation at which the selected candidate will present his/her research.
This residency is open to Deaf people living in the metropolitan area.
The selected artist will receive a fixed sum of $2,000.
Artists will have access to Vidéographe equipment. Artists, researchers, and curators will be able to work in Vidéographe’s spaces (in compliance with sanitary regulations) and/or online via our website Vithèque.com. They will also be accompanied by our team in their catalog research.
As the Vidéographe team is currently unfamiliar with LSQ or ASL, we will be using the services of interpreters, SRV Canada VRS, and written French or English.
Only applications sent by e-mail will be accepted. An acknowledgment of reception will be sent. Please indicate COMMISSARIAT RESIDENCE in the subject line of your e-mail and send your application to info@videographe.org.
To submit your application, please send us :
- A description of your project (1,000 words or 5 minutes maximum);
- Your CV;
- Visual or textual documentation of previous projects or that illustrate your proposal maximum of 15 images (max: 1024 px wide, 72 dpi) or 10 minutes of video.
- If you are sending videos, please send us a URL link to the video(s).
Don’t forget to include the password if applicable.
Only one person will be selected for this call. A selection committee will evaluate the proposals, taking into account the feasibility of the project in relation to the resources at our disposal, the interest and thoroughness of the proposal, and the anticipated benefits for the artist, researcher, or curator.
Please note: If you have any questions about our collection, or would like temporary access to the works via Vithèque to prepare your proposal, please contact our curator Joseph Rozenkopf at collection@videographe.org.