© Sylvie Laliberté, L’outil n’est pas toujours un marteau, 1999
Funny Women
Online programming
Free viewing
A program created by DJ and emerging artist Sophy Merizzi Marcil as part of her intership at Vidéographe.
Funny women includes a selection of teasing and performative works by women. They have been able to mark the Quebec art videos with their creative humor and we want to celebrate them with this program. A way to discover – or review – the work of these artists. (First shown at Alexandraplatz Bar on July 22, 2019).
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List of works
Marshalore, Street Actions, 1977
Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Confessions of a Chameleon, 1986
Chantal duPont, Corps d’œuvres, 1988
Rachel Echenberg, Zoë redoute les fleurs, 1997
Monique Moumblow, Trois valses, 1998
Sylvie Laliberté, L’outil n’est pas toujours un marteau, 1999
Manon Labrecque, contagion, 2008
Sylvanie Tendron, Hommage à V. DESPENTES, 2018